66% of students who are accepted into medical school are students who continued music in college. MUSIC MAKES YOU SMARTER! Yes I said...
5 Benefits of Music Lessons
While enrolling students for the Fall Semester and doing the #GiveTheGiftOFMusic Campaign I have received many inquiries about the...
5 Things Your Child Should Know Before Beginning Piano Lessons
In the book "Kindergarten is Too Late," Maseru Ibuka implies that from birth to age 3 is the best time to mold your child's intelligence....
No More Shower Singing!
I enjoy singing in my shower. The reverb is perfect and every note I sing seems to magically bounce off the bathroom tile to create a...
3 Ways to Dominate Your Next Performance
Well, "It's the most wonderful time of the year" ! This December, millions of people around the world will have an opportunity to...
How Exercise Helped My Voice!
I've never been skinny. And when I do exercise, I am not focused on my weight. I exercise for my singing voice! Exercise worked wonders...